Hey Reader, When I ask healthcare leaders in surgery, "If you could track anything what would you track first", the answer is almost always the same: the patient. This consistency isn't surprising - patient location is the cornerstone of surgical operations. Outside of surgery it gets more complex because there are countless workflows and metrics across departments and only one patient. Tracking the patient has great value but only if you can get the information to the right people at the...
22 days ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) represent a significant challenge in hospitals. It became personal for me last year when my father was in the hospital with cancer and we spent two weeks talking more about his MRSA than his cancer surgery. I knew we weren't the only ones frustrated because of HAIs. 📅 One in Thirty One! On a given day 1 in 31 patients will have an HAI. It is costing billions annually and while proper hand hygiene can cut these infections in half, achieving...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader, Microsoft 365 Places, set to launch in Q4 2024, represents a significant leap forward in Location Services technology. While not yet achieving full Care Traffic Control capabilities, it lays crucial groundwork for developing operational digital twins - systems that visualize business activity rather than just physical building attributes. This post explores the key features of MS 365 Places and how they contribute to the broader vision of intelligent workplaces. TL;DR: Microsoft...
3 months ago • 4 min read
Hey Reader, In healthcare the question "Where are my assets?" is more complex than it seems. The answer depends on who's asking and why. Different stakeholders view this challenge differently so technology needs to consider a complex set of requirements. TLDR: Effective asset management in hospitals requires a strategic approach, starting with inventory management using RFID, followed by loss prevention, and then targeted use of RTLS for remaining issues. Defining Key Concepts: RFID:...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, In today's healthcare environment, ensuring employee safety is paramount. Location-aware personal safety devices have emerged as a potential solution to enhance workplace safety programs in hospitals. However, their implementation often comes with challenges and complexities that need careful consideration. TLDR: Location-aware personal safety devices can be effective in hospital safety programs, but their implementation requires strategic planning and integration with broader...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, Healthcare professionals are increasingly burdened by administrative tasks and documentation requirements, taking valuable time away from patient care. Workflow automation offers a promising solution to this challenge by leveraging technology to streamline processes and reduce manual effort. Let's explore how workflow automation, particularly when enhanced by location-based services, can improve patient care by giving caregivers more time with the patient. TLDR: Workflow...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, Bring Back the Hospital Orderly The healthcare industry is facing unprecedented challenges, with nursing shortages and increasing demands on medical staff. Reviving the hospital orderly role could provide part of a much-needed solution in the era of intelligent workspaces. TLDR: Reintroducing the hospital orderly role can alleviate nurse burnout, improve operational efficiency, and provide a stepping stone for aspiring healthcare professionals. With the role adjusted to create...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, IPS and GPS: Navigating Indoor and Outdoor Positioning Systems TLDR: While GPS excels in outdoor positioning using satellites, IPS employs various technologies for accurate indoor location tracking where GPS signals are weak or unavailable. Both GPS and IPS are mainly used for the location of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, with IPS being a critical component of the operational digital twin and Care Traffic Control. The Details In today's interconnected world, knowing...
4 months ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader, RTLS and RFID: Perspective on two complementary systems TLDR: RTLS and RFID are location-based systems (LBS) with each having strengths that make them a fit for specific use cases, but they can also be combined to enhance the location fidelity, building trust in the system and enhancing its capabilities. The Details: RTLS and RFID are often compared as if they are competing technolgies. They are both location-based systems, but they are different, meaning they function differently...
4 months ago • 2 min read